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Aguas negras desborando de un tragante Sewage contains fecal contamination. Graywater originates both from personal hygiene activities as well as from housekeeping activities such as dishwashing or laundering.

At Sucrocentro we provide solutions to decontaminate both sewage and graywater for family-sized groups and for larger groups, such as those found in restaurants, residential zones, schools, etc. We treat the contaminated water through three main procedures, either standalone or in a number of combinations:

In the case of biological procedures, to guarantee the maximum operational efficiency, decontaminating efficiency, and visual quality of the effluent, a combined anaerobic-aerobic treatment is the most convenient, where around 60- 70% of the decontamination happens in the anaerobic stage and the rest in the aerobic one. Thus, the operational costs of the aerobic fraction are substantially reduced, without sacrificing the benefits mentioned. This arrangement provides great flexibility regarding the quantity of fecal matter and the volume of water which can be treated. As for the physical-chemical procedures, they can be utilized in a standalone fashion or as a pre-treatment for a biological process.

The application of our technologies reduce contamination levels below the maximum values permitted by the environmental standards of any given country, regarding organic-mineral contamination, microbial contamination, suspended solids quantity, and other parameters.


Hybrid Anaerobic-Aerobic plant to treat a prison's wastewater Anaerobic processes are appropriate for the following circumstances:

  • Tropical climates
  • Permanent influents with a high fecal matter concentration
  • To take advantage of the biogas generated for energetic purposes

Amongst their fundamental characteristics the following are included:

  • Non-mechanized hermetic procedures
  • Low operative cost
  • Sensitive to extraneous substances
  • Their routine operation does not require technified personnel

Go to anaerobic processes


Introduction to aerobic processes Aerobic processes are appropriate for the following circumstances:

  • Any climate
  • Permanent influents with a relatively low contaminant concentration
  • To achieve a greater quality of the treated water
  • To reach the maximum decontaminating efficiency in a short time span

Amongst their fundamental characteristics the following are included:

  • Open air procedure; can be mechanized
  • Their routine operation requires more technified personnel
  • They require an energy source and maintenance of their components
  • More robustness when exposed to extraneous substances
  • No appreciable foul smells are generated

Go to aerobic processes (This page will be ready soon!)


Physical-chemical process to treat sewage at a Shrimp factory Physical-chemical processes are appropriate for the following circumstances:

  • Any climate
  • Permanent and discontinuous influents
  • Relatively small volumes of contaminated water
  • Bio-degradable and non-bio-degradable organic matter
  • Inorganic contamination
  • As a pre-treatment for the influent of a biological procedure

Water resulting from a physical-chemical process Amongst their fundamental characteristics the following are included:

  • Mechanized procedure
  • Requires the least technified personnel for operation
  • Requires the consumption of chemical substances
  • Short process time
  • Residual slurries must be dehydrated

Go to physical-chemical processes

Contact us at or by phone at (503) 2270-3812 and (503) 2270-7355 (telefax)